北京工业大学 信息学部教授,博士生导师
主要教育及工作经历:2009年毕业于兰州大学物理系获凝聚态物理专业博士学位,2010年3月至9月在韩国延世大学从事博士后研究工作,2010年9月至2013年1月在新加坡南洋理工大学电子电气工程学院做Research Scientist。
联系方式:yzzhang@bjut.edu.cn; 010-67391716
研制出超宽光谱响应范围(从可见光532nm至中红外10um左右)、超高响应度(8.61A/W)的石墨烯光电探测器,在响应度方面,相比同类工作提高了近3个量级,基于该工作,目前已联合中国电科集团及航天五院研发出宽谱、高响应度原理样机并实现线阵成像。该工作被Nature Photonics杂志Highlight, 并被USA Today, INOVACAO Tecnologica, NTU News, 新加坡联合早报, 中国科学网等几十家媒体报道。在太阳能电池方面,研发出了大面积(156mm×156mm)高效(转化效率高达25.11%)的硅基异质结太阳能电池,并开展了基于该类电池的组件及1.2KW电站出力情况研究,基于以上研究工作结果,汉能集团成都研发中心投入120MW该类电池生产线,并已下线流片。迄今为止,在Nature Energy, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Electronic Materials, Small等杂志上发表论文100余篇,被引用2400多次,申请中国专利30余项。主持和完成国家自然科学基金4项,北京市先导与优势材料创新课题1项、北京市自然科学基金1项,承担军委科技委项目3项,装备预研项目1项。
Identification of embedded nanotwins at c-Si/a-Si: H interface limiting the performance of high-efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells
Nature Energy 6, 194–202 (2021)
Broadband high photoresponse from pure monolayer graphene photodetector
Nature Communications 4, 1811 (2013)
Highly in-planeoptical and electrical anisotropy of 2D germanium arsenide
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1707379 (2018)
Strain Effect Enhanced Ultrasensitive MoS2 Nanoscrolls Avalanche Photodetector
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 4490-4497 (2020)
Transition metal dichalcogenides thyristor realized by solid ionic conductor gate induced doping
Applied Physics Letters 117, 053102 (2020)
Valley Polarization and Valleyresistance in a Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Superlattice
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 3882-3888 (2020)
High‐Performance Photodiode Based on Atomically Thin WSe2/MoS2 Nanoscroll Integration
Small 15, 1901544 (2019)
Enhanced Performance of a CVD MoS2 Photodetector by Chemical in Situ n-Type Doping
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11, 11636-11644 (2019)
A tunable floating-base bipolar transistor based on a 2D material homojunction realized using a solid ionic dielectric material
Nanoscale 11, 22531-22538 (2019)
Visible-infrared dual-mode MoS2-graphene-MoS2 phototransistor with high ratio of the Iph/Idark
2D Materials 5, 045027 (2018)
High Detectivity from a Lateral Graphene–MoS2 Schottky Photodetector Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1800069 (2018)
High Anisotropy in Tubular Layered Exfoliated KP15
ACS nano 12, 1712-1719 (2018)
Spectral Discrimination Sensors Based on Nanomaterials and Nanostructures: A Review
IEEE Sensors Journal 21, 4044-4060 (2020)
Achieving high efficiency silicon heterojunction solar cells by applying high hydrogen content amorphous silicon as epitaxial-free buffer layers
Thin Solid Films 711, 138305 (2020)