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2021-09-23 20:53  
  1. 裘利平; 郭伟玲,罗丹; 崔碧峰,张蕾; 沈光地, 大功率980nm InGaAs/InGaAsP/InGaP 激光器热特性,中国激光, v 36, n 6, p 1356-9,2009 (EI:20092712172250)

  2. Gao Wei; Guo Weiling; Zhu Yanxu; Jiang Wenjing; Shen Guangdi, Reliability of AlGaInP light emitting diodes with an ITO current spreading layer, Journal of Semiconductors, v 30, n 6, p 064004 (3 pp.), June 2009 (EI: 20100612694966)

  3. 崔碧峰,黄宏娟,张蕾,张楠,王智群,沈光地,“大功率半导体激光器功率转换效率的研究半导体光电,2009 Vol.30 No.6 835-837

  4. 段天利,崔碧峰“条形列阵激光器侧向隔离研究”固体电子学研究与进展Vo l. 29,No. 3 2009

  5. Kang Yuzhu(), Li Jianjun(), Ding Liang(), Yang Zhen(),Han Jun,Deng Jun, Zou Deshu, and Shen Guangdi. Epitaxy and Characteristics of Resonant Cavity LEDs at 650 nm, Journal of Semiconductors, vol.30, no.5, 2009:054005-1-3

  6. 李建军,宋小伟,蒋文静,沈光地. 高提取效率表面织构红光发光二极管,固体电子学研究与进展,vol.29, no.2, Jun., 2009 p.237-240

  7. 李建军,杨臻,韩军,邓军,邹德恕,康玉柱,丁亮,沈光地. 用于POF的高性能共振腔发光二极管,物理学报,vol.58, no.9, 2009: 6304-6307(SCI)

  8. 丁亮、李建军、康玉柱、于晓东、邓军、韩军、沈光地. V/III对P型GaP掺杂及红光LED器件的影响,光电子·激光,vol.20, no.7, 2009:867-869(EI)

  9. Ma, Jun; Li, Jianjun. Simulation of optical characteristic for multi-active region RCLEDs, Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 2009. SOPO 2009. 14-16 Aug. 2009:1 – 4.

  10. Chuai D X, Guo X, Guan B L, et al, A trichromatic phosphor-free white light-emitting diode by using adhesive bonding scheme, Asia Communications and Photonics. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2009, 7635: 76350L DOI: 10.1117/12.852061 (EI: 20100212633499)

  11. Guo Y H, Guo X, Guan B L, et al, Improvement of LED extraction efficiency with antireflection coating, Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, 2009, 7635:763507DOI: 10.1117/12.850055 (EI: 20100212633486)

  12. Baolu G, Xia G, Zhang J, et al. Properties of Wavelength Tunable VCSELs with MEMS Cantilever. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, 2009, 104333 (EI: 20141617587119)

  13. 李一博; 郭霞; 关宝路; 等. 基于Au/Au直接键合的高亮度ODRLED, 固体电子学研究与进展, Vol29, No 3, 2009:399-402

  14. 王同喜; 郭霞; 关宝璐; 等. 内腔接触氧化限制型垂直腔面发射激光器小信号调制特性研究, 中国激光, Vol36, No 5, 2009:1057-1061(EI: 20092412123263)

  15. 王同喜; 关宝璐; 郭霞; 等. 载流子输运和寄生参数对隧道再生双有源区垂直腔面发射激光器调制特性的影响, 物理学报, Vol58, No 3, 2009:1694-1699 (SCI: 427LU)


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