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2021-09-23 20:54  
  1. Zhang Yonghui; Guo Weiling; Gao Wei; Li Chunwei; Din g TianpingProperties of the ITO layer in a novel red light-emitting diode, Journal of Semiconductors, v 31, n 4, p 043002 (5 pp.), April 2010(EI:20101812905909)

  2. Gao Wei ; Guo Weiling; Zou Deshu; Qin Yuan; Jiang Wenjing; Shen Guangdi, Thin film AlGaInP Light Emitting Diodes with Different Reflectors , Journal of Semiconductors, v 31, n 12, p 124013 (3 pp.), Dec. 2010 (EI:11905242)

  3. Guo, Weiling; Ding, Tianping; Cui, Bifeng; Yin, Fei; Cui, Desheng; Yan, Weiwei, Thermal resistance analysis of high power light emitting diodes, 2010 OSA-IEEE-COS Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics, AOM 2010(EI:20111213848031)

  4. Yin F,Guo W, Ding T, et al.Thermal and optical properties of power LEDs[C]//Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics (AOM), 2010 OSA-IEEE-COS. IEEE, 2010:1-4.EI

  5. Du X, Guo W, Cui B, et al. Lateral current spreading in stripe laser diodes[C]// Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics (AOM), 2010 OSA-IEEE-COS. IEEE, 2010:1-4.EI

  6. 张勇辉,郭伟玲,秦园,李瑞,丁天平,沈光地,ITO对新型AlGaInP红光LED特性的影响, 光学学报, v 30, n 8, p 2401-2405, August 2010 (EI:20103613222109)

  7. Du, Xiaodong(*)Guo, WeilingCui, BifengLi, WeiguoXu, XinweiLateral current spreading in stripe laser diodes2010 OSA-IEEE-COS Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics, AOM 2010Guangzhou,China2010.12.3-2010.12.6EI 会议论文

  8. Yang Zhen, Li Jianjun, Kang Yuzhu, Deng Jun, Han Jun, Zou Deshu, Shen Guangdi. Effect of Top Distributed Bragg Reflector on the Performance of 650nm AlGaInP Resonant Cavity Light-emitting Diodes, Optoelectronics Letters, vol.6, no.1, 2010: 0021-0023

  9. Rui Chen, Jianjun Li, Xuan Ya, Jun Deng, Jun Han, Shaojun Luo, Lingchun Gao, Guang-di Shen. Computational analysis of GaAs/AlGaAs deposition in MOCVD vertical rotating disk reactor, 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Cirsuit Technology Proceedings, Nov. 1-4, 2010, Shanghai, China, P.1853-1855(EI:20110413609642)

  10. 聂瑞芬, 李建军, 邹德恕. RCLED的制作工艺与性能研究”,固体电子学研究与进展, vol.30, no.4, 2010:611-614

  11. Ya Xuan, Li Jianjun, Chen Rui, Chen Yixin, Zou Deshu, Shen Guangdi.Temperature Characteristics of the Red Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diodes,the Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2010), Dec. 3-6, 2010, Guangzhou, China, p.SA02P (EI: 20111213848026)

  12. Li C C, Guan B L, Chuai D X, et al. Removing GaAs substrate by nitric acid solution. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics & Nanometer Structures, 2010, 28(3):635-637. DOI: 10.1116/1.3431082 (EI:2001446709793)

  13. B.Q.Wang, C. Xu*, Y.M. Liu, Y.Y. Xie, F.Liu, Z.B. Zhao,  K. Zhou, and G.D. Shen,“Study on Current Spreading of Photonic Crystal Vertical Cavity SurfaceEmitting Lasers, ” vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 8542-06, Acta Phys. Sin.(2010)

  14. XIEYi-Yang, XU Chen*, KAN Qiang, WangChun-Xia, LIU Ying-Ming, WANG Bao-Qiang, CHEN Hong-Da, SHEN Guang-Di, “ASingle-Fundamental-Mode Photonic Crystal Vertical Cavity Surface EmittingLaser”, Chinese Physics Letters,Vol.27, No.2,(2010)024206


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